Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What is Drone?

Drone can be named as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, it is powered aerial vehicle that does not carry human operator and uses aerodynamics to fly. Drone can fly autonomously can be operated by
on-board computer or it can fly through remote pilot operates from the ground. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles provides importance of other elements beyond an aircraft itself, the elements that include are ground control stations, data links and other related support equipment.

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Drone Labels

The image explains the labels of the generalized drone. Motor plays a crucial role in flying the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, lights are present in the arms of drone, Operator camera is present at the center part of drone which is used in supporting the video camera, Arm is used in supporting the fan so that it can fly, Central core is the key part in functioning of the drone, Video camera is for capturing photos, Landing platform which supports in landing unmanned aerial vehicle, Propeller is a mechanical device that turn on a shaft to push against air.

Classification of Drones

Drones are generally categorized into five functional groups
  • Target and Decoy - provides ground and aerial gunnery a target that simulates an enemy aircraft.
  • Combat - provides capability of attacking high risk missions.
  • Logistics - designed specifically for cargo and logistics operation.
  • Research and Development - used to further develop technologies to be integrated.
  • Civil and Commercial - exclusively designed for civil and commercial applications.
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Drones in Commercials and Motion Picture Filmmaking

                                           The usage of drones in film-making is generally easier on large private areas such as rural areas and urban areas which have very few spaces to make a film. in 2014 Federal Aviation Authority received a petition from the motion picture association of america which approved the use of drones in video and film-making. Drones are already used by movie-makers and media.


                                                Drones were used in 2014 winter Olympics in Sochi for film skiing and snowboarding events some advantages of using in sports are that they allow video to get closer to athletes and they are more flexible than cable suspended camera systems.

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Drones in Journalism

                                                                Some journalists use Drones for news gathering. Drones have been especially useful in covering natural disasters in which human cannot enter the way. The above shown image is NBC news footage taken from their drone at the time of Nepal's Earthquake.

                                                            The above shown image is the footage captured from drone by the journalist which shows the destruction wrought by recent storms in Arkansas.

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In the shown images Nepal's earth quake and the Arkansas storms, human cannot enter there and capture footage of those disasters. If he has to enter and capture the footage he has to go by helicopter which costs heavy for journalist, so if we use drones which is Unmanned Aerial Vehicle that captures the footage and deliver it to the media.

Drones in Cargo Transport

Drones can transport medicines and medical samples into and out of remote or any inaccessible regions. In 2013 the research project team of DHL delivered a small quantity of medical samples via Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. The image is the DHL's parcel-copter which can travel more than twelve kilometers autonomously without any human involvement.

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The shown footage is the Amazon prime cargo transport in sequential steps. The cargo box is filled with item and it is fitted with the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and made it to fly and it is delivered to the destination. In this process the drone is operated by the pilot from the ground.